Don’t deprive: Skipping meals in order to make up for holiday indulgences will only cause you to make more regrettable decisions. Follow up a day of indulgence with small sensible meals centered around protein and fiber.
Exercise time: Don’t skip your workouts during busy holiday weeks. You’ll benefit more than ever from the stress relief and metabolism boost that a good workout delivers.
Share Healthy: Bring a healthy dish to your next holiday party and be sure to fill your plate with it. This is a great way to make sure that you’ll have a healthy option, and you’ll also share good health with your friends and family.
Drink Low Calorie: High calorie drinks are everywhere during the holidays, and these beverages are the easiest way to pack on the pounds. Be extra cautious with your drink order, stick with low calorie options and always drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink.
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season,
Marion Brand