1. Set Your Trip up to Walk to Your Destinations
Park further away, or skip the car and Walk! Do you really need the car to go to the store two buildings over?
2. Don’t Stress over Food
It isn’t always realistic when traveling and vacationing. Instead, keep calories in check with a brisk and metabolism boosting workout or walk every morning.
Make sure they have a fitness room, walking grounds, and/or a pool.
4. Schedule a Workout Everyday
Morning would be best, to have it done not only to get it in, but for the benefits of energy for the day to come.
It will also reduce stress and help prevent weight gain on your trip.
5. Vary your Daily Activity
Mixing it up makes things much more fun. Try different adventures, swim one day and walk the next.
6. Get at Least Seven Hours of Sleep
Lack of sleep will make your mind tired, lower your immune system and even cause you to overeat.
7. Stay Hydrated
Planes and hotels are dehydrating. Drink bottled water each flight and always have some in your hotel room.
8. Be Germ Conscious
Don’t use the airport pillows and blankets, comforters on beds, and carry hand sanitizer with you always. Germs can and will weaken your immune system, and you certainly don't want to get sick.
Don't ruin your holiday with feeling ill.
9. Try Something New
Find activities you and your family can do in the area. Make it a fun healthy activity, something active is great! Try something new ... you may like it!
10. Don't make Food the Center of your Trip
Try new foods, and enjoy them, but don’t revolve your vacation around it.
Happy Travels!
Marion Brand