Although the aging process is hard-wired into our systems and cannot be stopped this doesn't mean that we are completely at its mercy. On the contrary, individuals are able to significantly, and sometimes dramatically, influence how quickly or how well they age. The foods they eat, activities in which they choose to engage, environmental toxins to which they are exposed and numerous other factors have been shown to either “accelerate” or “slow” the aging process.
This is your life, and your chance to live it to the fullest. Enjoying Family, Grand kids, Travel, Hobbies with a little help from yourself. Take the time for YOU, by staying active and eating healthy. This is YOUR Life to Enjoy!
BRAND FITNESS has functional training programs specifically for Adults, aged 50 and up, in Langley, BC. Finally, there are safe programs for Baby Boomers and Seniors! Our BRANDFit50 Small Group Training is a 30 minute session with your Certified Coach leading you towards success. Let's keep doing what we're supposed to be in life. ENJOYING!! FEEL BETTER ... LIVE BETTER!
Book your FREE BRANDFit50 Session below, or find out more about our program HERE. We want to start helping you LIVE THE BEST HALF OF YOUR LIFE!
Marion Brand