JOIN my 28 Day Fit & Fabulous Transformation
Transform your Body and your Life in the next 28 days to FIT & Fabulous in the comfort and safety of your home!
Notice BIG changes with Small Habits done over the next 4 weeks ... all it's takes is one habit at a time!
This course adds much needed Strength Training to excelerate your Results over the 4 weeks. A bonus walking workout and a great Meal Plan with Recipes included.
This is the program I use at my Studio with Fabulous results for those who follow it. Progress through this course at your own pace. I'm here to help you in your Success!
The follow at HOME course is dripped out over 4 weeks, but you'll have access to all the great content in my 28-day Transformation for one year! Plus all the PDF's for the meal plans and recipes are downloadable and all keepers ... save to your computer or print out.
Here's to being Fit & Fabulous!
Marion Brand
FAI Functional Aging Specialist and Personal Trainer
Make positive changes in your Health, Fitness & Happiness
CLICK the LINK below to Save and START NOW!
CLICK the LINK below to Save and START NOW!
ONLINE Monthly Membership & Programs
ONLINE Monthly Membership & Programs
Choose from my Monthly Membership Program, or Individual Courses to take your fitness ONLINE and at Home.
I look forward to guiding you through my health & fitness programs in the comfort of your home. Stay Healthy & Safe !
Here's to being Fit & Fabulous!
Marion Brand
Choose from my Monthly Membership Program, or Individual Courses to take your fitness ONLINE and at Home.
I look forward to guiding you through my health & fitness programs in the comfort of your home. Stay Healthy & Safe !
Here's to being Fit & Fabulous!
Marion Brand
Stay Home ... Stay Safe ... Stay Healthy