Did you get your workout in today?
I know your intention is to add
more fitness into your daily life.
Are you doing these things:
- Exercise HARDER, not longer. Workout intensity is what it's all about, not 'time' working out. Find ways to increase your workout quality, not quantity!
- Eat less food-especially sugar! The older you get, the lower your caloric requirements. This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat, but small frequent snacking is the way to go, and calories should be altered daily depending on your activity level.
- Get some sleep. Sleep increases GH production, along with many other things that repair breakdown from the rigors of living. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day will keep your body tuned and ready to run.
- Take care of your skin. Drinking water is a huge factor for overall health, but nowhere will the effects of dehydration be more obvious than on your skin. You should drink six to eight glasses of water per day, at a minimum, and more when it's hot or you're exercising.
In Fitness and Health,
Marion Brand
PS You'll find some great support to stay fit and look young here: Female Fat Loss Over Forty.